My Favorite Restraunt to Eat At:

When I go out to eat, I love to go to mexican restaurants. Mexican restraunts are always my number one option when people ask me where to eat. The rest of my family and boyfriend also love mexican so it seems like we’re always going there. I could guarantee you that I go atleast once a week. I really like the one called Las Brisas in Malden, Mo, it is amazing. When I order I always get the same thing. I don’t really liek trying new things so I just stick to my two favorite meals, chicken cheese and rice and chicken fajita nachos. Drop a comment down below and let me know what your favorite restraunt to eat at is!

My Favorite Kind of Jello:

This picture above shows my favorite pudding. It is made by the “Jell-O” brand but it is inspired by the Oreo brand. It is my favorite because it incorporates two of my favorite things into one, pudding and Oreos. It tastes just like an Oreo but it just has the pudding texture. It also separates the cookie and cream flavor very well. I would definitely recommend going to the store and getting you some to try. They sell it in a lot of places so it should be pretty easy to locate. It is a very fast selling item because they’re always sold out in my local grocery store.

Summarizing the Student Blogging Challenge:

This year I participated in the Student Blogging Challenge. Each week I completed all of the new tasks. It was such an awesome experience, I enjoyed it a lot. It allowed me to talk to other individuals all around the world and learn many new things. I hope that I can find something like the student blogging challenge so I can continue to blog weekly.

Summarizing the Semester:

This semester I have learned a lot. I have also wrote a lot of blogs. It has been quite the experience. I really enjoyed this class because of the student challenge and weekly post. It gave me something to do at home and at school. I wouldn’t trade this class for anything, it’s so fun and I could possibly use it later on in life. I’m very thankful for the opportunity’s i’ve had through this blog and I hope to continue to have fun with it.

My Experience With Coding:

The first time I tried coding, it was quite the experience. It was very easy to understand and showed me the steps very well. It allowed me to make my own dance party and pick music to go along with it. I got very creative in the process and really enjoyed the outcome. I highly recommend that you try coding for yourself and highly believe that you will enjoy it!

How My Family Celebrates:

My family usually celebrates the holidays with a get together and dinner. We all bring our own dish and have a huge dinner. The food is always very good because my great grandmother is a great cook. We always have a good time because my family is loud, loving and is always laughing. It’s good to get to see them all and get your belly full at the same time. This always makes for great holidays!

A Photo To Represent My Holiday Celebration:

One of my favorite holiday celebrations is going to see Christmas lights. Every year my family and I go to the Lights of the Delta. It is a huge display of christmas lights with many different themes and types of lights. It is very pretty and also offers a meet and greet with Santa. You can take you’re kids into a small, warm building that looks like his workshop. He lets you take a picture and talk to him for a minute, my little brother absolutely loves it. Christmas wouldn’t be the same without going to the lights!